Tuesday, June 16, 2009

A repeat visit today.

Went to Marioli Meals to Gourmet again. (Remember the italics? Remember why they're there?)

I had this

That's a Berry Good Salad. And it was very good. That's a hunk of smoked salmon on the right side of the plate, wrapped around a gooey cream cheese lookin' mixture. I liked it. Had some strawberries in the salad too. You can't go wrong with strawberries.

And I had this to drink

It's non-alcoholic and it's called Sangria Senorial. There's a couple accent marks in the name. Don't know where they go. Don't care.

It tasted funny. Not like, rotten bad puke your guts up and get an antibiotic shot in the ass funny...just kinda yucky funny. Won't have it again.

OK, I promise the next review will be for a different restaurant. Maybe something Mexican. That is, if I can find a Mexican restaurant in San Antonio.

If white wine goes with fish, do white grapes go with sushi?


Karen Zipdrive said...

Not loving the giant hunk of salmon. I would have flattened it out, spread the cream cheese over it, rolled it up and sliced it into pinwheels.
Straight men shouldn't be chefs- they use hunks when pinwheels are far nicer and less overwhelming.
Just my humble opinion.

JimBob said...

Hmmm. If I knew exactly what a pinwheel was, I could probably carry on a halfway-intelligent conversation, but...

Unknown said...

I ain't so picky..I would love the salmon..regardless of how it was served.

And pic's!!!!! Bless you JimBob! ;)

JimBob said...

Thank you for the blessing, Noble One.

Now, what's a pinwheel?